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Special Education Office
(760) 337-6530 ext. 2608
The Special Education department strives to ensure that all students with exceptional needs are provided a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). When a student's needs cannot be adequately met through modifications of the regular school program, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed for eligible students by the district IEP team, which includes parents/guardians, educators, and qualified service providers.
Child Find also requires school districts to identify and evaluate children who may need services. When determining eligibility, the district evaluates whether a child's condition negatively affects their educational performance. Students are assessed in all areas related to suspected disabilities, including social and emotional status.
Children who qualify under one or more disability categories and need specialized educational services have the right to receive special education and related services:
An Individualized Education Program (IEP) evaluation can be requested in writing by a parent/ legal guardian, teacher, or other district service provider. The District has 15 days to respond to assessment requests and offer an Assessment Plan. Once consent is received from the parent/legal guardian, the District has 60 days to complete the proposed assessment.
Students who are found eligible will have an Annual IEP meeting. The purpose of the Annual IEP meeting is to develop, review and/or revise a student's IEP.
Every three years students who receive Special Education services must be re-evaluated to determine their continued need for Special Education services. After the student is re-evaluated a Triennial IEP meeting is held by the IEP team to review assessments/evaluation results and determine the continued eligibility for Special Education services.
Sergio Espinoza
Special Education Director
Alejandra Pasten
Administrative Assistant
(760) 337-6530 ext. 2608