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Heber Elementary School District

Every Child Every Day


Dual Language Immersion Program


A colorful tree grows from an open book, with the words 'Dual Language Immersion' and 'HESD' surrounding it.

Dogwood Elementary is proud to offer the 80/20 Dual Language Immersion Program, where students learn in both English and Spanish! This program builds bilingualism, academic excellence, and cultural appreciation.

Learn more below!

Enrollment & Criteria

  • If your child is currently enrolled in the HESD District as a TK or Kindergarten student, FILL OUT THIS APPLICATION FORM

    Application forms will be given out during our informational meeting scheduled at Dogwood Elementary School on:

    Monday, March 25th at 12:00 pm


    Those living outside of the HESD District must apply for an interdistrict transfer with anInterdistrict Transfer Application formfrom their District of residence. For more information, please contact our office at (760) 337-6530 ext. 3011 or 3012.

  • All students residing in the Heber Elementary School District may enroll in the Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Program during open enrollment and if the student is currently in TK or Kindergarten. Our goal is to implement a Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Program-Two Way Program. To qualify for the DLI Two Way Immersion program, the candidates will be considered on a first come first serve basis to meet the program goals, which includes English Learners, English Only speaking students, and/or students who qualify because of their heritage background.


    Any students requesting to be enrolled in the DLI program after Kindergarten will be considered for the program provided they can demonstrate language skills and content knowledge necessary to be successful in the program. The Dogwood Elementary principal/or designee will determine placement in the DLI program after a screening and assessments.

  • Families living outside the HESD District must request an Interdistrict Transfer Application Form from their district of residence. Once the Inter-District Transfer is approved, parents will need to register at the DLI school/District. The Inter-district transfer process must be followed annually for continued enrollment in the Heber Elementary School District (HESD) and the HESD’s DLI program.

  • Once enrolled in the DLI program, students remain enrolled automatically unless disenrolled by the parents or the school. Disenrollment will be done in consultation with parents, teacher, and site principal. Hence, families in the DLI program at HESD with an Inter-District agreement, must renew their Inter-District agreements annually to attend HESD.

  • Priority will be given to those students who are English Learners, who have siblings in the HESD’s DLI program, and/or who meet the Two Way Program criteria, as stated above.

About the DLI Program

  • Dogwood Elementary offers a Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program with Kindergarten and First Grade students for Fall of 2024-2025 school year. Dogwood’s DLI program builds bilingualism and biliteracy in English and Spanish. The DLI program integrates native English speaking students and English learning Spanish speaking students in the same classroom. The teacher provides academic instruction through two languages (English and Spanish).

  • An 80/20 ratio of Spanish to English instruction is used, with English increasing gradually through grade levels.

  • A chart showing school years from 2024 to 2032, with corresponding grade levels.

Benefits & Goals

  • Students will develop high levels of language proficiency and will perform at or above grade level state standards in both languages.

  • Students will develop a positive cultural identity and an appreciation of other cultures as a 21st Century global citizen.

  • The District will acknowledge in Grade 6 students who have participated in the Dual Language Immersion program with a Pathway to Biliteracy Award. This recognition paves the way for the students to eventually earn the State Seal of Biliteracy upon high school graduation.

FAQs & Contact Info

  • We are now accepting current TK and Kindergarten students, as they will be future Kindergarten and First grade students next year 2024-2025 school year.

  • There is no research to indicate this. Research has consistently demonstrated that learning two languages enhances academic growth. However, moving children in and out of the program should be avoided. Children gain maximum benefits from the program by remaining in it through 6th grade and then continuing in secondary.

  • Instruction will be delivered using visuals, music, movement, and technology. There will be ongoing family engagement nights to support learning at home. The goal is for your child to learn to read, write, listen, and speak in both English and Spanish.

  • HESD offers a dual language program that follows a 80/20 model. The Spanish language is used most of the day (80% of the time) and the English language is used some (20%) of the day. As students progress through the grades, the Spanish and English language is used equally (50%) throughout the day.

  • Yes, our Spanish and English programs are aligned to state-approved academic content and standards. Students in language immersion programs are tested on the same material as students in traditional programs. The target language is not a subject; it is the language in which instruction is delivered.

  • HESD’s Language Immersion Program is located at Dogwood Elementary, 44 E Correll Road, Heber California. Our current DLI teachers are Mrs. Yee and Mrs. Ponce

  • The English speaker is not at risk of losing the English language. English is spoken at home, in the community, and in the media. Dual-language immersion programs are not replacing English with another language, but provide the students the opportunity to acquire a second language. Dual-language immersion programs are additive programs in that a second language is acquired while maintaining the first language of the students.