The valentines bear made it to Dogwood. Thank you teachers for creating an amazing experience for our kids!
almost 6 years ago, Juan Cruz
Valentines Bear in Ms. Newton’s class.
Our child nutrition services department always has our children’s heart in mind.
almost 6 years ago, Juan Cruz
Heart Shaped Chicken Nuggets!
Notice of Public Hearing Regarding School Bond Waiver Request. Please Click on link for information
almost 6 years ago, David Ostermann
The HESD Apple App is now live! Just go to the Apple App Store on your phone or tablet, search for HESD and look for the HESD emblem. Remember to allow for notifications if you would like to have alerts on your phone or device about the District , Heber, or Dogwood.
about 6 years ago, David Ostermann
Welcome to the New HESD Website! Bare with us as move our data, create new content, and learn to share all of the great things happening each and everyday with you!
about 6 years ago, David Ostermann
We have an all-new website and an awesome new mobile app! We hope you love it as much as we do!
about 6 years ago, Apptegy Admin
Phone and Laptop